At Thalle Industries, everything old is new again

Glenn Pacchiana, president and CEO of Thalle Industries, stands in front of rubble from the White Plains Mall awaiting recycling. Courtesy Thalle Industries.

Debris from a defunct shopping center is being recycled into construction materials for one of the Hudson Valley”™s biggest construction projects. 

Thalle Industries”™”¯Virtual Quarry in Elmsford is recycling remnants of the 50-year-old White Plains Mall, which was recently demolished, to make way for new mixed-use residential towers in the heart of White Plains. 

Rather than ship the mall”™s rubble to remote landfills, the tons of debris from the massive demolition are being transported a short distance to the Virtual Quarry, where the debris”¯will be recycled into subbase to be used underneath asphalt roads at”¯Regeneron”™s $1.8 billion expansion project in Tarrytown, turning a faded mall into future pharma. 

The former White Plains Mall will be replaced by Hamilton Green, a $600 million transit-oriented development at 200 Hamilton Ave. in White Plains. Hamilton Green is the latest project by the Cappelli Organization and its LRC Construction division. 

Regeneron”™s”¯$1.8 billion expansion”¯will enlarge the company”™s research, preclinical manufacturing and support facilities in Tarrytown, creating 1,000 new full-time, high-skill jobs over five years.