Rick Alfandre: What’s the buzz?

Rick Alfandre, a native of Westchester who discovered High Falls more than two decades ago, loves architecture and all things natural. He”™s become a staunch advocate for LEED buildings ”“ those with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ”“ and getting the word out that “almost anything in your home can be eco-friendly, from floors to paints to materials. The cost of so many natural products has come down dramatically and is not much different than their toxic counterparts.”

Architects tend to be perfectionists when it comes to getting each corner right and each window strategically placed; that may be the reason why bees have captivated Alfandre”™s attention.

“They are absolutely amazing to watch,” said the architect, who became an amateur beekeeper at his Ulster County home nearly two decades ago. “I”™ve been gardening my whole life,” said Alfandre, who was born and raised in Scarsdale, “and realizing how much we depend on the honeybees to keep our crops and flowers blooming, decided to get involved.

“From an architectural point of view,” says the green-architecture advocate, “the work the bees do is fascinating. They have a ”˜group mind”™ ”“ they all work together, and it is all harmonious: no conflicts within the group when it comes to getting the job done. They work in unison and no slackers.  It”™s a lesson we two-legged creatures could benefit from.”

While Alfandre says he doesn”™t count on his honeybees to pollinate his own half-acre garden, he knows they will find it free of pesticides and other chemicals that might be harmful.

Alfandre considers himself lucky. “I didn”™t experience colony collapse disorder,” he said.   “I do believe that problem comes from a combination of issues. Prior to the colony collapse, there has been an infestation of the varroa mite, which attacks the honeybees. These mites latch on to the bees like parasites and eventually kill them.”


Alfandre attributes colony collapse disorder to the proliferation of chemicals and pesticides used to keep lawns green and flowers lush and to those who monocrop.  “People may not like to see dandelions, but the damage done by using pesticides to control them far outweigh the benefits of the lush, green lawn. Those chemicals go into our groundwater and come right back to us in our drinking water. Most pest-type insects can be handled with traps and with very rare use of chemicals or naturally occurring products.”


Alfandre says monoagriculture contributed to the collapse problem. Wether it is pecans, oranges, corn or another monocrop, Alfandre says these are heavily sprayed. “We”™ve been creating a situation that is not healthy for the bees and probably the major cause for the collapse.  I haven”™t experienced it myself. I do lose some bees during the winter; I attribute that to the mite problem. When bees go dormant, we can lose them to starvation, particularly if the mites have been feeding off them.”

Alfandre”™s bees stay in their boxes once they reach the dormant phase. Screening over the entrances helps keep mice out, and he feeds them sugar syrup with some herbs through a tube that goes into the hive. “In the normal season, it”™s not necessary to feed them, but you need to be sure they have enough to sustain them during the winter. Last winter was particularly tough for the colony. I put some extra insulation on the top to try to keep them warm.”

It may not sound like a lot of work, but Alfandre says between long hours on the job sites and the wet weekends the Hudson Valley experienced this season, taking care of his small colony “has been a challenge. We do enjoy the honey and when there is extra, we share with friends and neighbors. We also use the glue in the hive to make propolis tincture ”“ you put it in a jar with vodka, and use for sore throats. It”™s a great remedy and totally natural.”

Alfandre says a good bit of work goes into the maintenance and care of the honeybee population. “But when I finally get out there after a while, I really start to relax and enjoy watching them work. The simplicity and determination they display makes you realize just how wonderful nature can be.”