Orange and Sullivan join for a good cause

The Community Foundation of Orange County announced Sept. 5 it will expand services into Sullivan County. To reflect the change, the foundation will also change its name.

“Through the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, and the combined gifts of many people, permanent charitable funds will be created whose income will make grants that meet important community needs and leave a lasting legacy,” said Karen VanHouten, executive director of the newly christened Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan.

In the six years since the inception of the Community Foundation of Orange County, more than 70 permanent charitable funds have been established by individuals, businesses and organizations. Those funds have provided more than $850,000 in grants and scholarships.

“The community foundation should propel philanthropy to a new level in Sullivan County as individuals discover that giving in the county has become easier and more organized,” said R.J. Smith, president of the board of directors. “The reality is, it is expensive to set up a private foundation. Donors are required to meet regulatory requirements, comply with federal guidelines and make appropriate IRS filings, among myriad other details. It is often difficult to determine what charities should receive grants. We are here to assist donors in carrying out their charitable wishes, while relieving them of the administrative burdens.”

“We all have a responsibility to give back to, and preserve, the communities we live in,” said Derrik Wynkoop, a foundation board member and treasurer. “What better way to do that than to help create a vehicle that pools and expands the area”™s philanthropic resources to meet current and future challenges and opportunities. That”™s what community foundations do and that excites us. As we expand the work of the community foundation, we will be identifying key individuals in Sullivan County to assist us in this effort.”