Ivy answers for business problems

A jumpstart connotes a boost of power received from some more powerful engine, and for a business person with an idea, or a problem, what engine could better power progress toward a solution than Cornell University?

That is the idea behind the Jump Start program, which offers businesses statewide a chance to define a problem for experts at Cornell to solve over the course of one semester.

“The key here is to have a well-defined project in mind,” said John P. Sinnott, industrial programs manager for the Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR).

The Hudson Valley Technology Development Center (HVTDC) has partnered with CCMR”™s Small Business Outreach Program to provide information and outreach services to Hudson Valley businesses seeking access to CCMR”™s state-of-the-art research capabilities, equipment and materials expertise. Both organizations are funded by NYSTAR, The New York State Office of Science, Technology and Innovation (nystar.state.ny.us).

For the Jump Start program, the maximum value of the work done is $15,000. Companies may qualify for grants from NYSTAR of up to $5,000. Companies have used the program to develop prototypes, perform complex mathematical modeling, select or improve materials for products and revamp existing products for new markets.

The Jump Start program runs twice annually. The next set of applications is due June 25. Another round will be accepted in October. Any New York state-based business with fewer than 500 employees can qualify. The application document is available online.

“Jump Start, kind of as its name implies, it”™s a jumpstart to being able to work with Cornell faculty to get an introduction to use university research,” said Sinnott. “It”™s a relatively low cost entry to a program that can provide solutions to problems, provide innovations. It”™s designed to match to a faculty member with a business to solve a specific problem.

“It can literally be just an idea,” said Sinnott of the specificity required. He said the program has performed services that “are all over the map,” from developing ideas to solving specific problems.

“Sometimes businesses are in need of a technical solution to a problem and we are able to provide that,” Sinnott said. “The harder ones and the fun ones, are when a business come up with an idea and there is some real research and collaboration that goes on between the company and the faculty member.”

If Cornell helps deliver a product or develop an intellectual property, there may be an arrangement made to split the proceeds of any patent that arises from the work. Most Jump Start deals are “not really an issue,” Sinnott said, but added, “It is always an issue I am asked about when I start talking to companies, who owns the rights? The typical response is: If it is jointly developed, it is jointly owned.”

But half of a profitable idea is worth more than all of a good idea that goes nowhere. And he pointed out another potential advantage to working with CCMR, “Its not abad thing to have Cornell on your side when it comes to patents,” Sinnott said.

For more information, visit hvtdc.org or call Phyllis Levine at 896-6934 ex. 3001.