Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation launches MyDRUG platform trial
The Norwalk-based Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) has announced the debut of MyDRUG, a platform trial that will investigate targeted treatments for high-risk myeloma patients.
Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cell and it is the second most common blood cancer. The MMRF stated that approximately 30,000 adults will be diagnosed with the disease this year and 12,600 are predicted to die from it.
The trial will be open to myeloma patients who have relapsed within 18 months without transplant or 36 months if transplanted of starting their second line treatment. The trial is designed to continue indefinitely, with no limitation on the number of patients enrolled or the number of new agents tested, and MMRF is supported by several pharmaceutical companies in the trial.
“MyDRUG is a major milestone for the MMRF in terms of putting precision medicine to work for patients through our unique end-to-end model, which aims to deliver the right treatment to every patient living with myeloma,” said Paul Giusti, president and CEO of the MMRF.