James Michel new CEO at Access Health CT

James Michel

James Michel, who has been serving as interim CEO of the state”™s Access Health CT health insurance exchange since June, has been named permanent CEO by its board of directors.

Michel ”“ who first joined AHCT as operations manager in March 2013, becoming director of operations the following year and director of finance in 2017 ”“ replaces Jim Wadleigh, who stepped down in April.

A native of Haiti and a veteran of the U.S. Army Reserves, Michel lives in Bloomfield with his wife and three sons. In addition to AHCT, he is chairman of the boards of directors at Outreach to Haiti ”“ a sponsored ministry of the Diocese of Norwich ”“ and Jumoke Academy Charter Schools, as well as a member of the board of trustees at private preparatory school Suffield Academy.

Michel”™s appointment comes as the exchange ramps up for its annual open enrollment period, which this year runs from Nov. 1 to Dec. 15.