Connecticut expands medical marijuana program to cover 10 more conditions

The Regulations Review Committee of Connecticut”™s General Assembly updated the state”™s Medical Marijuana Program regulations, adding eight new conditions for adults and two new conditions for patients under 18.

The newly added conditions for adults are spasticity or neuropathic pain associated with fibromyalgia, severe rheumatoid arthritis, post-herpetic neuralgia, hydrocephalus with intractable headaches, intractable headache syndromes and neuropathic facial pain. The conditions for patients under 18, which also apply to adults, are muscular dystrophy and osteogenesis imperfecta.

According to the state”™s Department of Consumer Protection, there are 27,340 patients benefiting from the medical marijuana program, which covers 30 conditions for adults and eight conditions for patients under 18, along with 953 certifying physicians participating in the program.

“Now that these regulations have been accepted, more patients with severe medical conditions will have access to medical marijuana as a treatment option,” said Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull.