SUNY Ulster offers course on green building

Implementing green practices in building construction, refurbishment and maintenance involves many aspects. To help contractors and developers, facilities managers, architects and designers, engineers and other interested parties get up to speed, SUNY Ulster, in conjunction with the National Sustainable Building Advisors Program, is offering a comprehensive training course beginning in January.

The course will consist of two full-day classes on Fridays and Saturdays offered at three-week intervals through June. Participants will be eligible for a “Sustainable Building Advisor” certificate.  The course will be taught at SUNY Ulster”™s facility at the Business Resource Center in the town of Ulster.

The course will consist of in-class instruction supplemented by numerous field trips, including a visit to a building site to perform a green building analysis. Participants will learn how to evaluate the costs and benefits of a green building, including information on Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), a designation of the U.S. Green Building Council. Professionals from elsewhere around the state will be brought in to teach the course. Other topics are:

Ӣ green building tours, including homes powered by solar power or constructed out of straw bales or cordwood;

Ӣ efficient lighting, with a possible trip to the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute lighting lab;

Ӣ efficent heating and cooling, with site visits to examine geothermal and photovoltaic systems; and

Ӣ water conservation practices.

The cost is $1,995, with certification available for an additional $250. Interest has been keen, with the 30 openings filling up fast. A spokesperson said the class might be offered again to meet demand. Call SUNY Ulster at (845) 687-5012 for more information.