Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister honored by Freedom House

Freedom House has awarded its 2022 Mark Palmer Prize to First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Emine Dzhaparova, citing her support of the Ukrainian people, especially Crimean Tatars, and her leadership in the wake of the Russian invasion.

The Mark Palmer Prize, which is named after the late U.S. ambassador and Freedom House trustee, honors diplomats and civil servants who have gone beyond their normal course of duties to promote democracy and human rights. Dzhaparova has served as the first deputy foreign minister of Ukraine since June 2020 and was previously the first deputy minister of information policy, an advisor to the minister of information policy and a journalist for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Dzahaparova is currently in Ukraine and is accepting the prize remotely.

“Throughout her career in public service, Deputy Minister Dzhaparova has championed human rights in Ukraine and stood bravely against Kremlin aggression,” said Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. “Ukraine is on the front lines of a global battle between democracy and authoritarianism, and Deputy Minister Dzhaparova’s tireless efforts to ensure that democracy prevails go well beyond traditional diplomacy. Her leadership within the Crimea Platform, which aims to reverse Russia’s illegal annexation and occupation of Crimea and protect the rights of Crimean Tatars, faithfully upholds the legacy of Mark Palmer. We are honored to award her this year’s prize.”

Photo: ITU Pictures from Geneva, Switzerland / Wikimedia Commons