U.S. Sen. Blumenthal blasts Trump’s ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’ remarks

During a speech in the Senate yesterday, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut  expressed support for a resolution originated by Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois who is a combat veteran to honor the service and sacrifice of members of the country”™s armed forces.

At the same time, Blumenthal was harshly critical of President Trump for describing members of the military as “suckers” and “losers” and expressing a lack of understanding as to why Americans would want to serve their country.

In his speech, Blumenthal brought up the World War I battle at Belleau Wood in France, in which about 1,800 Marines lost their lives. Trump, while on a visit to France declined to visit the Aisne-Mame American Cemetery and Memorial at Belleau Wood where many of them are buried.

“That battle was one of hundreds, thousands of battles where soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines have distinguished themselves with uncommon valor. And for every Belleau Wood, there are others for each of those services. None of them fought by ”˜suckers”™ or ”˜losers,”™” Blumenthal said.

In his speech, Blumenthal invoked the names of U.S. Sens. John McCain, Bob Dole,  Daniel Inouye and others as examples of elected officials who had also served in the military.

“Donald Trump does not speak for America. When he called those brave heroes who lay down their lives ”˜suckers”™ or ”˜losers,”™ my first reaction was disbelief. And then in an instant, it was totally to believe that he said it because it was so much in character for Donald Trump.

“For him it is all about Donald Trump. If somebody else can serve and take his place without sacrifice on his part, so much the better. But Donald Trump does not speak for the America that I know and love and who have given of themselves or risked their lives,” Blumenthal said.