Tit-for-tat: Mass. adds Conn. to its travel advisory list

Several days after Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker complained that it was a “bad idea” for Connecticut to add his state to its travel advisory list, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) puts its Nutmeg State neighbor on its travel advisory list.

COVID-19 coronavirusConnecticut, along with New Jersey, were added to the MDPH list on Saturday, announcing on Twitter: “All travelers arriving to MA from CT and NJ must fill out a form, quarantine for 14 days or produce a negative COVID test.” Connecticut joins Rhode Island as the only neighboring states included on the Massachusetts list.

While Baker admitted to be unhappy with Connecticut”™s actions, he nonetheless urged Massachusetts residents to follow the state”™s travel advisory to self-quarantine for 14 days or have proof of a recent negative Covid-19 test if they planned to have a prolonged presence in Connecticut.

“States are doing what they believe is the best thing they can and should do to keep their states safe,” he said during a press conference last week. “We have travel advisories, other people have travel advisories. My one message would be: I think people should do what they can to abide by those.”

However, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont has gone on the record saying Massachusetts residents entering his state would not be singled out for scrutiny.

“We”™re going to work something out with Massachusetts,” he said in a press conference last week. “It”™s absolutely impossible to enforce travel restrictions between contiguous states. People are driving across the border to get milk or something else.”