State forms public-private partnership with IBM
IBM Corp. and New York state are teaming up with a program to help prepare students for the high-tech jobs of the future.
Ten schools, one in each of the 10 economic development regions, will participate in this education model, which incorporates a six-year program that combines high school, college and career training. The goal is to help students prepare for a high-skill, high-demand career in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field.
The partnership will also help advance the governor”™s regional economic development strategy since the job training will directly correspond to employment opportunities in the regions.
IBM and other businesses will partner with each participating high school and college to provide guidance on workplace learning, including skills mapping, curriculum, mentoring, worksite visits, internships, and putting the program”™s graduates first in line for a job with these companies. IBM will become the key partner for two of the schools. Each student will have the opportunity to graduate with an associate”™s degree.
IBM will also lead the recruitment of private-sector partners for the other regions, provide training to participating schools and mentors, share their state-of-the-art “skill-mapping” with all 10 schools, and provide tools to help school leaders and teachers effectively integrate STEM into their school programs.
Additional partners and resources will be announced in the coming months.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo”™s budget includes a $4 million increase for the Early College High School initiative (ECHS), which will fund the program, as well as other ECHS programs throughout the state.