County to host affordable housing expo

Westchester County will host its 2013 Fair and Affordable Housing Expo March 9 at the Westchester County Center in White Plains. The purpose of the event is to provide free and useful information about fair and affordable housing options throughout the county.

The event will offer seminars to deal with the basics on purchasing a home and determining what affordable means for each individual family. Seminars include how much is needed for a down payment, fair housing and fair lending-related rights, and the importance of good credit.

There will also be a workshop focused on the Westchester County Housing Settlement and “Homeseeker Online,” a web site which provides specific affordable housing information.

The one-day event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For more information, contact Westchester Residential Opportunities ( or 428-4507 ext. 314) or the Housing Action Council ( or 332-4144).