Connecticut presidential primary moved to June 2

Following days of growing doubt as to whether Connecticut”™s presidential primary will take place on April 28 as planned, Secretary of the State Denise Merrill announced this afternoon that it will not.

“After consultation with the governor, local election officials, the bipartisan leadership in the General Assembly, and my colleagues in other states, to June 2,” she tweeted.

“My most important concerns are allowing every Connecticut voter to make their voice heard in the selection of the presidential candidates, and ensuring that they are able to cast their ballots as safely as possible,” she went on. “Moving the primary date is a good first step, and will give our local election officials more time to prepare.

“Changing an election date is not something we do lightly,” Merrill continued, “it”™s a recognition of the severity & nature of this crisis, and more steps may be necessary to guarantee that every CT voter has an opportunity to cast their ballot.”

Merrill had previously called upon Gov. Ned Lamont to consider temporarily removing restrictions on absentee ballots so that all voters could vote from the safety of their homes.

Later this afternoon, Lamont will sign an executive order that authorizes the date to be moved.