AG James issues warning against ‘tripledemic’ children’s medicine price gouging
New York Attorney General Letitia James is warning retailers against price gouging of children”™s painkillers and fever reducers in the wake of the so-called “tripledemic” of Covid-19, RSV and the flu.
James”™ office stated there have been reports of children”™s medication being sold online and in stores at prices that were two or three times their retail value.
“This year”™s tripledemic is keeping many kids and babies sick at home, and families trying to care for them are confronting the national shortage of children”™s Tylenol and other medication,” said James. “The last thing any family needs when a child spikes a fever or is in pain is to be price gouged on the medication they need. I am putting profiteers seeking to take advantage of this shortage on notice. If New Yorkers see big price increases for children”™s medication, I encourage them to report it to my office immediately.”
James added that consumers should be cognizant of the shortage of medications and only purchase as much children”™s medication as they need.