$20 million of Emergency Rental Assistance set aside for Westchester

Westchester County residents ”“ who meet the criteria ”“ are now eligible to apply for the state’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program.

Funding for the statewide program totals $2.7 billion, with $2.6 billion from federal funding and $100 million from the state. Of the total, $20 million is solely for Westchester.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a tremendous amount of financial hardship to many of our most vulnerable residents, and we want them to know that help is available,” County Executive George Latimer said. “ERAP can provide a significant amount of economic relief to our low- and moderate-income households at risk of housing instability, and if you meet the appropriate criteria, I encourage you to apply.”

The program will provide assistance for up to 12 months’ worth of past-due rent and 12 months of utility arrears payments, along with three months of prospective rental assistance.

The assistance is available regardless of immigration status to families and households who meet all of the criteria to receive it. They must be:

  • making at or below 80% of the area median income, variable by county and household size;
  • have a member of the household who experienced significant financial hardship on or after March 13, 2020, including unemployment, a reduction in income or the incurment of significant costs;
  • has an obligation to pay rent, and has rent past due dating from on or after March 13, 2020; and 
  • at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Westchester’s area median income for 2021 is $127,500 for a family of four. 

Until July 1, those who are unemployed or make at or below 50% of the area’s median income will be prioritized. After that date, funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The payments will be paid to landlords, who in turn must waive any late fees incurred from the late payments and agree to not evict or raise rent for the household for one year from the receipt of the payment.

New York state currently has an eviction ban in place that extends through the end of August.

The city of Yonkers has its own rental assistance program, called the Yonkers Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Funded through the American Rescue Plan, it also opened for application on June 1 and has the same eligibility and prioritization requirements. $14.5 million is expected to go to Yonkers residents through it, with an estimated 400 households to be assisted in its first round.