Hubba’s serves late night crowd in Port Chester

By Evan Fallor

Foto in W Final by Evan Fallor




Mornings at Hubba’s start much like any of Westchester’s restaurants: Wiping down the counters, heating up the grill, prepping food to be served throughout the day.

But by the time most eateries have closed the kitchen and are getting ready to shut their doors – especially on the weekends- the grill and deep fryer are just getting warmed up at Port Chester’s most notorious late night spot.

For more than ___ years, Hubba’s has made a _____ staying open until ___ a.m. Not quite a 24-hour establishment, the North Main Street greasy spoon is a short drive or walk from the nightlife spots of downtown Port Chester and nearby White Plains and Stamford. Hungry patrons come for the