Xerox to service HealthyCT
If you’re still not sure what Xerox Corp. does beyond copy machines, here’s another example.
Xerox will be managing and processing benefit claims for HealthyCT, the state’s new nonprofit health insurance company, set to launch Oct. 1 on the Access Health CT insurance exchange.
Each year Xerox processes 563 million government health program claims. Now they’ll be expanding their technology to service HealthyCT and other consumer-operated and -oriented plan, or CO-OP, programs. Under the Affordable Care Act, each state with its own insurance exchange  is required to offer CO-OP options.
“We have a vast footprint in health care, with more than 40 years of experience providing services to health plans of all shapes and sizes,” said Jeff Hechemy, a Xerox health care division executive, in a written statement. “Our services give health plans and CO-OPs the freedom to do more for their members, while reaping significant financial dividends under the right operating structure.”
Whereas most people still remember Xerox for its document technologies, more than 50 percent of the company’s revenue now comes from its services units. By 2017, Xerox expects its services sector to make up two-thirds of its revenue.