Visualization can help achieve your goals
What”™s the single biggest thing you can imagine that will grow your business? To reach a worthwhile business goal you must ask yourself this question and visualize the answer. Rather than shooting for the stars, we often don”™t aim high enough and settle for “good” rather than the greatness we could achieve. We fail to inspire the people around us and deny everyone, including our customers, the opportunity to enjoy the personal fulfillment that comes from reaching a worthy goal.
Missiles and commercial aircraft constantly seek their destination using highly sophisticated systems that continuously monitor feedback signals and adjust their course using their navigational computers. To work however, they must be programmed to know their goal or, in this case, destination.
The human mind is an incredibly sophisticated goal-seeking mechanism that, just like a missile or airplane, can be programmed to reach a new destination. Every individual and business has an existing pre-programmed self image and is capable of changing it. Start by defining a clear, ambitious goal that you”™re confident about achieving and clearly communicate it.
But a goal alone isn”™t enough. Everyone involved must have a deep personal belief in the ability to achieve it. This isn”™t about skill or competence. Many businesses filled with skilled and competent people fail. It”™s about confidence. That confidence can be developed through gathering data, research, training and visualization.
When Thomas Watson founded IBM, he did his research, gathered data and then developed a clear picture of what the company would look and act like when completed. He then trained himself and his people to visualize his goal as if it were already done. You, like Watson, can train yourself and organization to develop the ability to focus on the goal, which is the key to visualization.
Denis Waitley has studied and counseled winners in every field from Apollo astronauts to Super Bowl champions. “The human being is the only creature on the earth that can direct his or her future by choice. You choose what you are looking for in the future through the repeated use of your creative imagination. The way you perceive your world defines the world in which you live.” Visualization supercharges the goal and accelerates it becoming reality!
David Novak, author of “Taking People With You,” says, “People will get on board with your goal when they understand it, when they know what they”™ll get out of it and when they know that you are as invested in it as they are. Only then will they truly feel accountable for doing their part to make it happen.”
They must know that you are totally committed. In “A Bias for Action” by Heike Bruch and Sumantra Ghoshal, they say “commitment” means, “Taking ownership for the ultimate outcome. You must take time for conscious reflection, for considering your alternatives, and for asking yourself if the project feels right.”
Ӣ Do you really want it?
Ӣ Is it exciting?
Ӣ Does it match your personal values and beliefs?
Ӣ Can you stand behind it both rationally and emotionally?
To achieve big goals train yourself and organization to clear negativity and leverage strong emotions through visualization. What will your goal look like when it”™s accomplished? Can you picture the customer buying it? Using it? Being happy with it? This visualized picture will support you through your most difficult times.
So what is the single biggest thing you can imagine that will grow your business? Clearly define a “big” goal, research and communicate it and get everyone onboard by explaining how achieving it helps them. Cement success using visualization.
Joe Murtagh, The DreamSpeaker, is an international motivational speaker, meeting facilitator and business trainer. For questions or comments, contact, or call (800) 239-0058.