Storm damage tops $7M
As Fairfield County dried out from a second storm in late March, Connecticut officials estimated the state sustained more than $7 million in damage from the nor”™easter that struck midmonth, most of it in Fairfield County.
Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency scheduled a visit last week in Fairfield County, a needed step for the county to qualify for federal disaster assistance.
Under federal rules, Fairfield County would have to have suffered at least $2.8 million in damage to qualify for federal aid.
The state also scheduled public hearings as part of an investigation into the response of Connecticut Light & Power Co. and United Illuminating Co. during the storm. Sessions are scheduled for:
Ӣ April 7 at New Canaan Town Hall;
Ӣ April 12 at Westport Town Hall;
Ӣ April 14 at Fairfield Town Hall; and
Ӣ April 15 at Greenwich Town Hall.
The Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security has been collecting damage information on homes and businesses to determine if companies will qualify for low-interest Small Business Administration loans.
“I am pleased that FEMA is responding quickly to my request for this assessment,” said Gov. M. Jodi Rell, in a prepared statement. “If there is federal assistance available, I want to make sure that we get it as quickly as possible for everyone who is entitled to it.”