Sandy spawns unified emergency website

Connecticut recently launched a new website ”“ ”“ to serve as a permanent, one-stop portal for businesses, residents and municipalities concerning services available in the wake of disasters and other emergencies, such as available federal and state grants.

The website, which currently hosts information to rebuild from superstorm Sandy, will become a permanent fixture on the state”™s official website and will be updated with new information as necessary. It will be the home for all funding and grant applications as soon as funding can be distributed.

“In the past couple of years, we’ve been in the unfortunate path of a number of storms and we’ve seen the devastation Mother Nature can cause,” Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said. “We’ve been grateful to have recovery resources available among federal, state and local officials, and this new website will help ensure that all residents know the options that are out there.”

All involved state agencies have been asked to contribute to the website.

“When disaster strikes, it impacts all aspects of our lives ”“ our roads, our businesses, our farms, our schools and our homes,” Malloy said. “Streamlining the process for providing assistance will help us get our residents”™ lives back to normal as quickly as possible.”