Public hearing set for Anthem, ConnectiCare’s proposed rate increases

The Connecticut Insurance Department will hold a public hearing on Anthem and ConnectiCare”™s proposed health insurance rate hikes on Sept. 5. Although the CID is reviewing 14 rate requests for 2019, the hearing will focus on the two insurers”™ rate requests for individual health policies sold through the state’s health insurance exchange Access Health CT.

In July, Anthem filed a request for a 9.1 percent average rate hike for such plans next year; ConnectiCare is seeking a 13 percent average rate increase.

This is the fourth consecutive year that the insurers have been asked to attend a public hearing explaining why they are seeking rate increases. After last year”™s hearings, the CID approved average increases of 31.7 percent for Anthem and 27.7 percent for ConnectiCare.

This year”™s hearing will be held at 10 a.m. in the CID’s offices at 153 Market St. in Hartford.