Pain resource found in Stamford

The Stamford-based Connecticut Pain Foundation has partnered with Purdue Pharma L.P. to offer a resource guide for chronic-pain sufferers.

According to Paul Gileno, president and founder of the Connecticut Pain Foundation, about 75 million Americans deal with some sort of chronic pain.

The guide, “In the Face of Pain,” is offered through Stamford-based Purdue Pharma and also has a newly launched web and social media presence to provide more access to care advice.

“This resource guide puts patients and caregivers in the driver”™s seat by providing them with the tools they need to effectively communicate with their health care team about pain symptoms and treatment,” said Pamela Bennett, executive director of health care alliance development at Purdue. “We are grateful to our many partners for allowing us to share their resources and for taking an active role in advocating for those living in pain.”

“Chronic pain is an all-encompassing problem that knows no boundaries,” said Gileno. “It affects the poor and the rich, the young and the old, male and female. No race, class or age is spared from its debilitating hold.”

Gileno was formerly a caterer and the owner of AS Fine Foods on High Ridge Road, but said he was forced out of the industry because of chronic physical pain.
He founded the organization to give fellow suffers an outlet for support.

“It is important while on our pain journeys we become empowered and get the support and help we need,” he said.