Nestlé Waters seeks 50 percent recycled plastic by 2025

Nestlé Waters North America said that it is on target to achieve its goal of using 25 percent recycled plastic across its U.S. domestic portfolio by 2021 and will aim for achieving 50 percent recycled plastic by 2025.

Nestle Waters plasticThe Stamford-headquartered company also stated that it would expand the relationship with its Canadian supplier Plastrec and work with other suppliers to nearly quadruple its use of food-grade recycled plastic, or rPET, within the next three years. Last month, the company expanded its partnership with the rPET supplier CarbonLITE, which is building its third U.S. facility in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania.

“We want to take the ‘single’ out of ‘single-use’ bottles,” said Fernando Mercé, president and CEO of Nestlé Waters North America. “Our bottles were never meant to be thrown in the garbage ”“ we carefully design them to be collected, recycled, and repurposed. PET plastic is a valuable resource that, if recycled properly, can be used to create new bottles again and again. We’re proving that it can be done by making bottles out of other bottles, not 10 years from now, but today.”