Jobs in brief

Cigar company Oettinger Davidoff Group is relocating its U.S. headquarters from Stamford to Pinellas Park, Fla., near Tampa Bay, with officials there offering $300,000 in incentives for the company to create 90 jobs.

The company has had its local offices at 550 West Ave. in Stamford, along with an adjacent warehouse.


The owner of the Danbury Plaza Hotel & Conference Center has put the facility on the auction block, with 70 jobs at stake depending on success in finding a buyer.


Pyramid Acquisition II Management L.L.C. disclosed the potential impact on jobs in a filing with the Connecticut Dept. of Labor.


Beiersdorf Inc. plans to begin layoffs of 165 employees at its Norwalk manufacturing plant in April, as part of plans to close the facility first revealed last October.


The skin and beauty products maker has its U.S. headquarters in Wilton.


Shelton-based TranSwitch Corp. has laid off an unspecified number of employees at its Shelton headquarters and at facilities in Fremont, Calif., and in India.


The company designs integrated circuits for telecommunications equipment.

TranSwitch said it would pay $1.4 million in the current quarter toward the restructuring, and that it expects to save $4 million on an annualized basis.

TranSwitch was scheduled to report earnings after press deadline. Through the first three quarters of 2009, the company earned $1.2 million as revenue jumped 63 percent from a year earlier to $44 million, the result of its acquisition of Fremont-based Centillium Communications.