HMSDesign to market Hood’s new milk

Fairfield-based marketing firm HMSDesign has been selected by Massachusetts dairy processing giant HP Hood to develop the brand identity and packaging design for the company”™s new product, Milkwise, a milk beverage with less sugar, fewer calories and more calcium than traditional milk.

Hood is attempting to increase its presence in the competitive supermarket dairy aisle as well as expand its portfolio of national and regional brands and franchise products including Lactaid, Baileys, Coffee Creamers and Blue Diamond Almond Breeze almond milks.

“Hood has developed a revolutionary new milk beverage,” Hugh Montgomery, president of HMSDesign, said. “We had to be sure our design lived up to and communicated MilkWise”™s remarkable taste in a way that broke through the clutter of the dairy section while broadcasting the benefits of this new product.”