Danbury Nurses picket Hospital

The union representing 568 nurses working at Danbury hospital will picketed the hospital between 6am and 1pm on April 26. The action was called by Nurses Union Unit 47,  of the American Federation of Teachers Local 5047.

Around 250 nurses stood outside the hospital chanting, and waving signs urging Nuvance Health to “Put Patients Before Profits.”

The nurses were seeking public support for further negotiations after their previous contract expired on May 31. A spokesperson for the striking nurses told the Danbury News Times that slightly improved raise packages were already on the table Nuvance, which recently merged with Northwell Health to become a $20 billion medical company, had already given much larger raises to administrators.

“We have been negotiating in good faith for several weeks and have made a lot of progress. We look forward to continued discussions with the Union and to reaching a fair agreement that works for the Hospital and union members, that will allow us to continue providing the highest level of care to our patients and community” Andrea Rynn, spokesperson for Nuvance Health, said in a statement.