Danbury chamber elects first woman chairman

The Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce elected attorney and probate judge Dianne Yamin as chairman, marking the first time a woman has held the post.

Yamin was Danbury”™s first woman probate judge in 1990; as an attorney with Yamin & Yamin L.L.P., she focuses on real estate, social security disability, estate planning and family law.

Under Yamin, the chamber”™s top initiatives for the coming year include: broadening its outreach to the business community and advocating on its behalf; strengthening recruitment and retention efforts; and furthering business development resources and programs, including the Leadership Danbury program.

“The rapidly growing number of women entrepreneurs and business people in our community are making tremendous contributions to greater Danbury,” Yamin said in a statement. “These women need and deserve the chamber”™s full support and I believe my election will encourage them to become more involved with the chamber, where we can work together to help them thrive in this difficult economy.”

Other officers elected to the chamber”™s executive board include:
Ӣ President Stephen Bull, Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce;
Ӣ Treasurer James Arconti, vice president of Rose and Kiernan Inc.;
Ӣ Secretary Edward Durkin, director of corporate real estate for Praxair Inc.; and
Ӣ immediate past chairman: Francis Wiatr, former CEO of NewMil Bank.