Conn. Port Authority creates grants program to improve small harbors and marinas

The Connecticut Port Authority has created the Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program to provide grants to strengthen the economic potential of harbors and marinas along the state”™s coastline.

The CPA has earmarked $7.5 million for the SHIPP program, which will provide grants for the preparation of plans and studies, as well as construction projects that improve state, municipal or other properties in or next to Connecticut waters.

Municipalities and other eligible property owner applicants must submit proposals outlining the current conditions of the port or harbor seeking funds, a statement of vision for the future and economic development plans within the port or harbor, and a description on how the proposal will support the state”™s maritime policies and encourage commerce. Applications must be received by April 17. Information is available at

“A strong maritime economy will be dependent upon the growth and success of each of our waterfront assets, not just the deep water ports,” CPA Executive Director Evan Matthews said.