Comcast offers dual Wi-Fi for small businesses

Comcast Corp. has launched a wireless gateway service for businesses that provides both private and public Wi-Fi signals on an integrated modem.

The Business Wireless Gateway technology allows small-business owners to assign one private wireless signal for office use and provide a separate public signal, according to a Comcast press release.

“We are making the Business Wireless Gateway available nationwide because research has proven time and again that Wi-Fi is a game changer for brick and mortar based small businesses,” said John Guillaume, vice president of product development at Comcast Business, in a statement.

Businesses including coffee shops, law firms, real estate offices, gyms and libraries will be able to attract and retain visitors and give employees the tools to be more productive, Guillaume added.

Stephen Bull, president and CEO of the Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce, said Comcast’s announcement will impact Fairfield County businesses.

“Whenever a business service can provide both the security, which is extremely important in this day and age, so small businesses can have a firewall and on the same service have open service for guests or for those who visit, I think that’s a great business service amenity that’s very well received,” Bull said.

Not only does Bull think the Comcast dual Wi-Fi service will be well received in the community, but he said it will allow small businesses to be more competitive and save money.

“The service has an application for large and small businesses,” Bull said. “Large businesses have more resources so it can probably provide separate services for guest Wi-Fi. As opposed to a small business that’s trying to watch every nickel and dime.”

Comcast has 10 service branches in Connecticut, including one Fairfield County location at 15 Backus Ave. in Danbury.