Three ways to enjoy tea this summer, courtesy of Tea Forté 

Tea Fort̩Ӫs new Cold Brew teas.

Tea Fort̩Ӫs Tea Over Ice Pitcher Set makes for a dramatic summer presentation.
Photographs courtesy Tea Forté.

Those looking for a quick ice tea ”“ which is cold brewed as opposed to iced tea, which is made from hot tea ”“ may want to try Tea Forté”™s new Cold Brew teas, featuring 15 plant-based sachets per box, with each box containing a different herbal blend ”“ elderflower rose, watermelon mint or pomegranate vanilla ($15). You add a sachet to a glass of cold still or sparkling water, wait 10 minutes and you have your ice tea. 

For those who like a little drama with their iced tea, Tea Forté has a Tea Over Ice Pitcher Set ($48) that allows you to steep the tea in the smaller pitcher and pour it into the larger one, filled with ice, for flash-chilling. Stack the pitchers for a dramatic presentation. Tea Over Ice flavors include orange papaya, blue mint nectar, Ceylon gold, green mango peach, blueberry merlot and raspberry nectar. There are also sampler packs ($16 for five sachets). 

Finally, for the bridal shower season that never ends ”“ because someone is always getting engaged somewhere ”“ Tea Forté has teamed with the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx for a new Jubilee collection of orchid vanilla, peach blossom, strawberry hibiscus, vanilla rose, cherry blossom, chamomile citrus, jasmine green, hibiscus blossom, wildflower honey citrus and mango citron teas. (The hibiscus teas in particular are wonderful iced.) The collection, $22 to $72, supports NYBG”™s work in plant research and conservation, horticulture and education. 

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