The power of stories to shape the global landscape

Writer and New York University journalism professor Suketu Mehta will speak with novelist Karan Mahajan about the urgency of storytelling in this geopolitical landscape as the India Cultural Center presents “The War of Storytelling” Nov. 10 at Manhattanville College in Purchase.

With the recently concluded festival of Diwali and the appointment of Rishi Sunak as British prime minister, India and its descendants have been very much in the news these days. 

At 7 p.m. Nov. 10, the India Cultural Center (ICC) will present “The Global War of Storytelling,” a conversation with writers Suketu Mehta and Karan Mahajan, hosted by the”¯Manhattanville College MFA in Writing Program. The free event will take place”¯in the college”™s Reid Castle, with an author”™s reception immediately following.”¯”¯ 

With multiple competing narratives fracturing global and national politics, storytelling has rarely been more important than in the current climate. Those who can control a narrative generally have power. An associate professor of journalism at New York University, Mehta (“Maximum City:  Bombay Lost and Found”) will speak with novelist Mahajan (“Family Planning”) about the urgency of storytelling in this geopolitical landscape, delving into the role of geography in defining writers and writing, the necessity of self-expression and narrative as a catalyst for belonging. 

The ICC Speaker Series brings”¯boldfaced names in entertainment, journalism, literature, business, medicine, the arts and other fields to Fairfield and Westchester counties. The series launched this year with actor, writer and former Obama”¯White House staffer Kal Penn and is”¯made possible with the generous support of Blanca and Sunil Hirani.