Journey to ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ at the Hudson River Museum 

“The Dark Side of the Moon,” the Hudson River Museum”™s summer planetarium show, celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Pink Floyd album. Courtesy the Hudson River Museum.

On Friday, Aug. 4 at 6 p.m., the Hudson River Museum in Yonkers premieres an immersive full-dome planetarium show in honor of the”¯50th anniversary of Pink Floyd”™s “The Dark Side of the Moon.” With visuals of the solar system and beyond, the show charts the album”™s 10 tracks, some a futuristic look and some an acknowledgment of Pink Floyd”™s visual history, all relating to a time and space that will take you way beyond the realm of two-dimensional experience. (Watch the trailer.) 

At 8 p.m., the museum will celebrate the 50th anniversary of another iconic album ”“”¯Stevie Wonder”™s “Innervisions””¯with”¯Library Jazz Band”¯in the HRM Amphitheater.”¯A group of music professionals and educators from Westchester County, the band will perform all the tracks on”¯“Innervisions””¯with arrangements that honor the originals but reimagine them with big band flair.”¯ 

Attendees are invited to wear their favorite band T-shirt, outfits inspired by these two albums or their best 1970s-inspired clothing.”¯ 

“The Dark Side of the Moon””¯planetarium showings will continue every”¯Feel Good Friday through Aug. 25. From 5 to 7 p.m., Feel Good Friday offers free general admission to the museum, ticketed planetarium shows, games for all ages in the HRM courtyard and a cash bar featuring wine and local craft breweries.”¯ 

The show is recommended for ages 10 and up. Planetarium tickets are $20; $15 for museum members. Purchase tickets here.”¯