Save the Sound has announced that it is encouraged to see that leadership in both the New York State Senate and Assembly included $500 million to fund the Clean Water Infrastructure Act (CWIA) in their respective one-house budgets. This would maintain the funding level that the CWIA has received every year since 2019, countering Governor Hochul’s proposal to spread the state’s $500 million investment over two years.

“We appreciate the Senate and Assembly maintaining the current level of funding for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act, which provides crucial support for communities who otherwise would be unable to afford critical projects to prevent wastewater pollution and protect drinking water,” said David Ansel, vice president of water protection for Save the Sound. “Cutting funding in half at this time would be unacceptable. New York has long been a leader in funding clean water infrastructure. And when New York state invests, New York communities can leverage those funds to secure federal funding essential to matching the massive challenges that threaten water quality in the Long Island Sound watershed and across our state.”

Save the Sound also appreciates that the Senate budget includes the NY HEAT Act in full, and hopes the Governor (who included portions of the bill in her executive budget) and the Assembly will support its inclusion in the final state budget for FY 2025.

“This policy is critical to lowering residents’ energy bills, curbing the impact of rate hikes, and fighting climate change. Unfortunately, the Assembly has not included the Act in their budget. We urge state leaders to follow suit in standing up for energy justice and climate action in the final budget,” said Alex Rodriguez, environmental justice specialist at Save the Sound.