Gov. Malloy welcomes EPA reversal on pollution standards delay

Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy has hailed a decision by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt to reverse his earlier announcement that the implementation of the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards by one year.

In June, Malloy publicly criticized Pruitt”™s decision by stating more than 90 percent of pollution within Connecticut originated from western, upwind states, which resulted in the state spending considerably more funds in environmental cleanup than in the states emitted the majority of the pollution. With the EPA”™s new ruling, Malloy welcomed the news as a victory for “all those fighting for clean air in America,” but also repeated his attack on the federal agency for considering the NAAQS postponement.

“Administrator Pruitt”™s decision to delay implementation of more stringent air quality standards was ill-advised and Connecticut was persistent in requesting him to reconsider,” the governor said in a statement. “Delaying the implementation of the new federal air quality standards for a year would have prolonged both Connecticut”™s economic disadvantage against states that ignore critical clean air improvements and the risk of illness for thousands of residents in the state. We are grateful that reason prevailed and that Administrator Pruitt reversed his decision regarding a delay in implementation.”