One of the strangest holiday season songs of all time

If you are getting tired of that Mariah Carey song ”“ not to mention the usual tunes that pop up on the radio and in-store broadcasts during December ”“ then check out one of the most delightfully bizarre holiday music treats ever recorded.

In the late 1980s, the mother-daughter duo of Henrietta and Myrna Neudorf appeared on a Winnipeg, Manitoba-based community television show to offer their distinctively off-kilter rendition of “Go Tell it On the Mountain.” While relatively few people saw the show in its initial broadcast, a video of the unlikely vocalizing found its way to YouTube many years later and became a viral video hit that inspired multiple parody versions.

However, the original gem still triumphs for its naïve sincerity. This was the only known recording of Henrietta and Myrna in song, but their unique contribution to holiday music lingers on to this day.