Film version planned of unauthorized Ray Dalio biography

A film version of the new unauthorized biography of Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio is reportedly in the works.

The New York Post, basing its reporting on unnamed “people close to the project,” stated Amazon Studios has secured the film rights to Rob Copeland’s “The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend,” which will be released on Nov. 7 by Macmillan Publishers. The studio has reportedly hired a screenwriter and is beginning to consider casting for a production.

Last month, Dalio – Greenwich resident with a personal net worth $19 billion – engaged several prominent attorneys to threaten Macmillan with a potential lawsuit over the contents of the book, which supposedly do not depict Dalio in a positive light. Macmillan’s general counsel responded to Dalio’s attorneys by stating the company “takes seriously its role as a responsible publisher of books that provide independent reporting on a range of contemporary matters of public interest. We stand by our commitment to that role, even when those books may expose the wealthy and powerful, such as Ray Dalio and Bridgewater, to unwanted scrutiny.”

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