Yonkers sees the bright side of citywide solar projects

Community Solar has come to Yonkers with the April 29 launch of five projects to create electric generation facilities on buildings in Robert Martin Co.”™s South Westchester Executive Park.

The city, nonprofits Sustainable Westchester and Groundwork Hudson Valley, G&S Solar and Robert Martin have joined to bring the installations to fruition. The effort also will open up the availability of solar-generated electricity to residents of the city”™s Municipal Housing Authority.

The initiative involves creating five solar panel installations by G&S Solar on buildings owned by Robert Martin in the Executive Boulevard area. The installations are to be part of the Community Solar program, which offers electric users who participate up to 10% off their monthly bills.

“Renewable energy sources like solar continue to be on the rise in Yonkers and this Community Solar project leverages the city”™s commitment to further greening our energy supply,” Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano said during an event at the site of the first installations.

“We all know that solar is a great renewal energy option for many homeowners. But for those who live in apartments or in homes that are shaded, solar panels might not be an option for them. Community Solar provides access to solar without having to install panels on your property.

From left, Brigitte Griswold; Julian Ortiz of Groundwork Hudson Valley; Nina Orville; Yonkers City Councilman John Rubbo; Deanna Robinson of Council Member Shanae Williams”™ staff; Mayor Mike Spano; Yonkers City Council Member Tasha Diaz; Westchester County Legislator Ruth Walter; Greg Berger, president of Robert Martin Co.; Wilson Kimball, president and CEO of the Municipal Housing Authority; Abe Naparstek, COO of G&S Solar; Max Joel of NYSERDA; and Jason Baker, director of the Yonkers Office of Sustainability.

“Instead what we are doing is we will provide solar panels that will be installed here on Executive Boulevard thanks to G&S Solar and, of course, Robert Martin Company. Any residents who pay their own electricity bill can now subscribe to a solar farm … and receive credits on their electric bill every month for this clean energy that is produced here. This includes renters and co-op owners.”

Yonkers City Councilman John Rubbo said, “This is a great way to reduce the electrical cost to our residents, it”™s a great way to continue to move toward sustainable energy.”

“Community Solar makes the benefits of solar available to everyone, not just to homeowners who can afford solar installations on their own homes,” explained Nina Orville, executive director of Sustainable Westchester.

She encouraged Yonkers residents to “take advantage of the opportunity to save money while supporting local renewable energy.” She said that Community Solar offers a way to bring the benefits to people while also targeting those who need them the most.

Abe Naparstek, chief operating officer of G&S Solar, said his company in cooperation with other organizations intends to execute a number of solar projects across Westchester.

“We have a portfolio of about 50 projects that are ready to build and to move forward, which represents about 25 megawatts of deals,” Naparstek said. “Beyond that, there”™s another 25 megawatts of projects in the pipeline that if the Community Solar credit is extended, will also move forward.”

In his remarks, Greg Berger, president of Robert Martin Co., referred to comments attributed to famed inventor Thomas Alva Edison in 1931.

“I put my money on the sun and solar energy,” Berger quoted Edison as telling his friends automobile magnate Henry Ford and tire manufacturer Harvey Firestone. “What a great source of power,” Berger quoted Edison as saying.

Berger noted that 90 years later the collective partnership in Yonkers is realizing Edison”™s dream to harness the sun”™s limitless, clean power.

“Robert Martin is excited and proud to be part of this venture and we look forward to help light the way towards Yonkers”™ continuing economic revitalization with more critical solar installations in Yonkers and all over Westchester County,” Berger said.

“Without this affordable green energy, our tenants would be at a loss,” said Wilson Kimball, president and CEO of the Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Yonkers.

“Having a green sustainable energy alternative is incredibly valuable to families and seniors who are literally concerned about the next dollar and the next five dollars that they spend.”

Groundwork Hudson Valley will be working to educate residents about the Community Solar program and help them enroll to receive its benefits.

Teenager Julian Ortiz, who is part of Groundwork Hudson Valley”™s Green Team and will be working on the enrollment effort, said, “It”™s great to see this change for the future. I think Community Solar is great. It provides what you need. It provides energy for the grid and savings.”

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority) awarded nearly $695,000 in incentives through its NY-Sun program for the five new Yonkers installations.