Westchester conservationists to recognize green leaders

The Federated Conservationists of Westchester County will celebrate its 50th anniversary at an annual gala Sept. 26 recognizing leaders in environmentalism.

Since 1965, Federated Conservationists has championed its motto, “Think Globally, Act Locally,” by bringing concerned citizens, community organizations, educators and diverse professionals committed to preserving and rehabilitating the natural resources of Westchester County together.

At the gala, the group will give three Green Legacy awards to organizations or individuals who have displayed a dedication to eco-friendly and sustainable ideals, including Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig of NASA”™s Goddard Institute of Space Studies, Pace Law School and the Bedford 2020 organization.

According to Federated Conservationists officials, Rosenzweig will be recognized for her longstanding role as a leader in the global climate change discussion and work in the study of climate change and agriculture.

The Pace Law School will be recognized for its environmental law program and pursuit of environmental legislation and projects.

Bedford 2020, a grassroots nonprofit organization located in the Westchester town of the same name, will be honored for the group”™s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by year 2020 in its hometown.

The gala will take place at a private estate in Sleepy Hollow. For more information contact Program Director Alicia Molloy at 914-422-4053.