Tesla to sell solar roof tiles in CT
While it”™s still waiting to see if it can legally sell cars in Connecticut, Tesla has announced that it has begun to take orders for its solar roof tiles nationwide, including in the Nutmeg State.
Resembling normal roofing shingles, the solar tiles are being offered in a variety of styles. On its website, Tesla is taking $1,000 deposits toward work that includes removing a house’s existing roof, installing the solar tiles and equipping the home with a battery to store power.
The solar roof tiles are made of quartz glass, although the company will mix solar and nonsolar tiles for a more congruent look. Both types of tiles look the same, it said.
Also offered for the glass in the tiles is “the best warranty in the industry ”“ the lifetime of your house, or infinity, whichever comes first.” Tesla offers a 30-year warranty for other aspects of the system, including the tiles’ power output and the system’s ability to prevent leaks.
The Palo Alto, California-based company said its SolarCity subsidiary will begin installing the first systems in California in June before expanding to other areas. Tesla said its solar products will be available only in the U.S. throughout at least the end of this year.
SolarCity was founded in 2006 by brothers Lyndon and Peter Rive, cousins of Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk. Following Tesla”™s acquisition of the company last year for $2.6 billion, Lyndon Rive remained as CEO and Peter as CTO.
Earlier this month, Tesla ran afoul of the state Department of Motor Vehicles, which agreed with the Connecticut Automotive Retail Association that the electric car maker”™s Greenwich “gallery” is selling cars rather than just showcasing them.
On May 8, the state legislature’s finance committee approved a bill that would allow Tesla and other electric-auto makers to sell directly to consumers, upending a law that”™s been on the books for decades. Debate over the bill in the state House of Representatives is expected to be fierce.