Slick oil that goes away

Green Earth Technologies of Stamford has released the results of tests conducted by an independent research firm showing the company”™s newest product, G-OIL, biodegrading 90 percent-plus in nine days.

“These results confirm our belief that Green Earth”™s motor oils are truly worth a place in the history books,” said Jeff Marshall, president and CEO of Green Earth Technologies, in a press release.

The company said tests showed the 10W-30 automotive and off-road four cycle engine oil surpassed standards to achieve an “ultimate biodegradable rating.”

The standard defined by the American Society of Testing Materials says that the oil must achieve degradation greater than or equal to 60 percent in 28 days.

G-OIL achieved 150 percent of the required degradation in less than a third of the time, the company said.

Biodegradation is measured by collecting the carbon dioxide produced when each sample is exposed to microorganisms.

“Green Earth Technologies promised a biodegradable product and has more than delivered,” Marshall said. “We are excited about getting the latest G-OIL into production and onto store shelves nationwide.”

Unlike traditional, petrochemical-based engine oils, G-OIL is made with beef tallow, a by-product of the meat production industry.

“G-OIL is made from saturated fats, which are avoided in most foods, but are the perfect choice for consumer products that need stability on the shelf and high performance in engines,” said Mat Zuckerman, chief technical officer of Green Earth, in written comments. “The biodegradability report for G-OIL provides consumers with confidence that they are getting the best of both worlds, delivering performance and a new higher standard for green.”