NYSEG starts circuit upgrade project for Pound Ridge, Lewisboro customers

New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) has begun construction on a circuit upgrade project that will benefit more than 1,600 customers in Pound Ridge and Lewisboro.

Upgrades are being made to the Pound Ridge 455 circuit, located in the southeastern area of the towns near the Connecticut border. Work is currently being performed along Conant Valley Road, Glen Drive, Lockwood Road, and East Street.

“The investments in this infrastructure being made by NYSEG will enhance the reliability of service to the communities and customers we serve,” said Andy Gumkowski, manager of Resiliency Field Projects at the Binghamton company. “These upgrades will make the system more resilient to severe weather and bring greater reliability to the customers served by this circuit.”

The project will upgrade approximately 9.6 miles of power lines and bring enhanced reliability to approximately 1,604 customers. Portions of the project will upgrade the distribution system from a “single-phase” line to “three-phase” lines, allowing for greater capacity of electricity to meet customer demands.

As a result, the Pound Ridge 455 circuit will have created self-tying loops that allow customers to receive their electricity through multiple paths.

Along the circuit the company is installing 11 new SCADA switches; they provide NYSEG with the ability to temporarily switch which circuit is powering a customer”™s home or business. Additionally, the project will install five Trip Savers and one Recloser. That equipment is used to protect the system and could potentially reduce the duration or number of customers impacted when an outage occurs.

The construction is expected to be completed in October.