NH governor warns bill could disrupt small renewable energy plants

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan is urging Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Connecticut legislators to oppose a bill that proposes changes to Connecticut’s renewable energy standards.

The bill, SB 1138, proposes to expand the state’s classification of clean power sources to include large-scale hydroelectric generation and regional wind generation, among other provisions. The bill was passed by the state Senate May 1 and now awaits action by the state House of Representatives.

With the proposal, wood-fired plants would be eliminated from the list of renewable energy sources, which Hassan says would cost jobs and hurt consumers across New England. Hassan also said large-scaled hydroelectricity plants don’t need further incentives to operate and that the bill would undermine the region’s efforts to foster new and small-scale renewable sources.

“Including these resources offers a variety of benefits, such as the sustainable management of important forest resources across New England,” Hassan wrote in a letter to Gov. Malloy. “In light of these important issues and our region’s common renewable energy goals, I hope that you will not support the proposed changes to your (law).”