CTDOT launches Drive Less Connecticut Climate Challenge
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) announced the launch of its annual Drive Less Connecticut Climate Change, which runs from Earth Day, April 22, to May 31.
“In a continued effort to fight climate change, the campaign, sponsored by CTrides, demonstrates the collective impact that individuals can have in reducing harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the main cause of climate change. The Drive Less Connecticut Climate Challenge shows the benefits of using the state’s public transit systems, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, walking, or telecommuting, compared to driving. Through the CTrides app, participants can track their progress and clearly see how individual actions can make a difference,” reads the announcement.
The program has set ambitious goals of eliminating 425,000 pounds of emissions, 30,000 car trips, and reduce single-occupant car use by 480,000 miles.
“Private vehicles remain our state’s largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. This Earth Day, I encourage all residents to drive less and use greener alternatives to get to where they need to go,” said Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto. “Whether someone is walking or riding a bike, taking a bus or train, or calling for a shared ride on new microtransit services, there are many ways to get around the state. This campaign encourages residents to try these options and help fight climate change.”
Additionally, those who sign up at http://www.ctrides.com/dlc and take advantage of its trip planner and recording tools will be entered for a chance to win gift cards with values up to $500.