Charter Communications revives remote education offer

Charter Communications Inc. is relaunching its remote education offer that includes up to 200 Mbps of free Spectrum internet and WiFi access for 60 days to households with K-12th-graders, college students and/or educators.

charter spectrumStamford-based Charter rolled out the offer in March, resulting in 448,000 new households added through the end of June 30. The offer is now being provided to customers who live in a Spectrum market and do not currently have its internet services.

“The pandemic has prompted new focus on the technology divide and Charter is committed to being part of the comprehensive solution needed to close these gaps,” said Tom Rutledge, Charter”™s chairman and CEO.

Charter also announced it would make its high-speed broadband more accessible through Spectrum Internet Assist, a low-cost broadband program available to eligible low-income households and seniors.

The company also pledged to double its original 2020 commitment to digital education, awarding a total of $1 million in grants to organizations providing broadband education, technology and training.