Bard Early College offers trio of free courses to Florida high school students

Bard Early College, a division of Annandale-on-Hudson’s Bard College, is offering three tuition-free virtual college courses to high school students in Florida.

The subjects include Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to African American History, and Introduction to Gender Studies, and will be taught via Zoom by Bard faculty outside of regular school hours, for two 1.5-hour sessions per week from this month through December.

Participating students must be enrolled in a Florida public high school as juniors or seniors. Upon completion of the program, students will receive three transferable college credits from Bard for each course, as well as a Bard College transcript.

“Bard Early College is a pioneer with a 20-year track record in providing high school students across the United States with access to college-level education,” said Dumaine Williams, vice president for Bard Early College. “These virtual courses, offered exclusively to students in Florida, cover educational topics that are under threat or actively blocked in the state, and Bard