Jepsen and Schneiderman oppose Trump on undoing Clean Power Plan

George Jepsen and Eric Schneiderman

Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman joined the attorneys general of 14 states and the District of Columbia and the chief legal officers of six cities including New York in a public

statement condemning President Trump”™s Executive Order to roll back the federal Clean Power Plan put into place during the Obama Administration.

“We strongly oppose President Trump”™s executive order that seeks to dismantle the Clean Power Plan,” the statement said. “Addressing our country”™s largest source of carbon pollution ”“ existing fossil fuel-burning power plants ”“ is both required under the Clean Air Act and essential to mitigating climate change”™s growing harm to our public health, environments, and economies. We won”™t hesitate to protect those we serve ”“ including by aggressively opposing in court President Trump”™s actions that ignore both the law and the critical importance of confronting the very real threat of climate change.”

Jepsen issued a separate statement reiterating his opposition to the president”™s actions. “The state of Connecticut has consistently demonstrated a commitment to clean air, reduced emissions and the development of alternative energy sources, and it is incumbent upon the federal government to use its authority to protect our environment and our public health and welfare,” he said. “My office is reviewing the details of this Executive Order, and we stand ready to join with our colleagues and partners in other states to use every legal means within our authority to protect the Clean Power Plan and the progress it represents.”