Connecticut added 500 jobs in November

Connecticut added 500 jobs in November for 0.3% uptick to a level of 1.69 million positions, according to new data from the state’s Department of Labor.

The preliminary October gain of 3,700 positions was revised slightly lower by 300 jobs to a 3,400 jobs increase. The state’s unemployment rate ticked up to 3.6%.

Private sector employment decreased by 300 (-0.02%) positions to 1.46 million and the government supersector was higher by 800 jobs (0.3%) to a level of 233,100 jobs. The Greater Danbury area shed 200 positions and the Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk corridor lost 300 jobs.

“While November gains were smaller than in recent months, job growth in 2023 has been slightly faster than the solid pace set in 2022,” said Patrick Flaherty, director of the Office of Research at the Connecticut Department of Labor. “A wide range of industries added jobs in November while declines were largely concentrated in the administrative and support services industry in the professional and business services supersector. As long as the nation continues to avoid a recession, Connecticut is well-positioned for balanced growth in 2024.”

CBIA President and CEO Chris DiPentima called the addition of 500 jobs “modest growth that continues the positive trends of the past year” but warned that the state was “still 13,600 below where we were a year ago. We have 1.3 job openings for every unemployed person, and while we continue to see encouraging trends, it’s clear that job growth is not keeping pace with the demands of our economy … We must expand workforce development programs and enact solutions to tackle critical issues like childcare, housing, and affordability that will make Connecticut a more attractive place to live and work for all residents.”