Hot startups show their stuff

The Business Council of Fairfield County”™s Growth Advisory Services sponsored its second annual networking event featuring four Connecticut startups.

The event at the Landmark Square Conference Center in Stamford welcomed firms including Stamford-based Movable Media; Norwalk-based FedTax/TaxCloud; and two Danbury-based companies: ESCO Advisors and

From left, Gary Breitbart, director of Growth Advisory Services, The Business Council of Fairfield County; Jon Parrella, president and CEO, ESCO Advisors; David Campbell, CEO, FedTax/TaxCloud; Jeff LaCava, founder and CEO of; and Andrew Boer, CEO and founder, Moveable Media.
From left, Gary Breitbart, director of Growth Advisory Services, The Business Council of Fairfield County; Jon Parrella, president and CEO, ESCO Advisors; David Campbell, CEO, FedTax/TaxCloud; Jeff LaCava, founder and CEO of; and Andrew Boer, CEO and founder, Moveable Media.

Forty seasoned and first-time entrepreneurs came to hear about free services that can help them overcome business challenges, commercialize products and grow. Ten companies were represented.

Growth Advisory Services, which ran the event, provides access to services, business partners and resources throughout the state. It provides help with fundraising, sales, marketing, intellectual property management and product development. It also focuses on supporting Fairfield County companies in business for at least a year that have a product or service on the market and that plan to grow revenues and expand.

The talk included an introduction by an entrepreneurial firm Movable Media, a company that increases a brand”™s traffic through a content payment platform.

Pitney Bowes, which partners with Movable Media, has been able to increase traffic onto its website through Movable Media”™s platform, said Brian Romansky, director of new business opportunities at Pitney Bowes.

Funding for Growth Advisory Services is provided by CTNext, Connecticut”™s innovation ecosystem that supports companies and entrepreneurs by casting a wide net for mentors, collaborative work spaces and the like.

CTNext, which launched in 2012, is staffed with advisers, mentors and entrepreneurs. It offers seminars, training and events to foster job growth and innovation.