Conference to focus on regional sustainable development

A daylong conference focused on creating and maintaining sustainable development in Connecticut will be held on Feb. 7 at Grace Farms in New Canaan.

The Regional Convening for Sustainable Development, sponsored by the Grace Farms Foundation and Live Green Connecticut, will focus on sustainability strategies, with a presentation of regional case studies detailing how these solutions can be implemented. The keynote speaker is Kanni Wignaraja, director of the U.N. Development Operations Coordination Office.

sustainable developmentNew Canaan First Selectman Kevin Moynihan will introduce the first panel, “Building Sustainability Into Our Cities.”  The two other panels are “The Condition of CT”™s Sustainable Development Infrastructure” and “The Critical Role Businesses Play in Sustainable Development.”

Also speaking will be Catherine Smith, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, and via video message, Jeffrey Sachs, director of sustainable development at Columbia University.

Admission for the event is $40, with students receiving a discounted $20 admission. Applications for conference presentations are being accepted through the end of today.